Edinburgh Fringe 2019; 2017 Feb 14th – 18th

From the ADC theatre to the Edinburgh Fringe, let the Cambridge Impronauts steal your heart with a brand-new romantic comedy created on the spot, where you can be the star. Watch characters created from your descriptions go through the trials of love, be it first dates, awkward breakups, or, if they’re lucky, happily ever after. It’s a love story to warm the cockles of your heart and make your belly ache from laughter, and it will only be performed once. Don’t stand us up.
One full show available to watch here
3 Stars – Fringe Binge – 2019
” in awe of improv performers’ ability to create a story on the spot […], and now I hold those who do the same musically in similar esteem.”
“the improvised love story managed to be funny and engaging, feeling cohesive throughout”
Read Fringe Binge’s review here
3 Stars – Varsity – 2019
“…exactly the kind of fast-paced humour that makes improvisation work…”
“…admiration must also go to Jonatan Rosten, who provided a beautifully subtle keyboard soundtrack to moments of tenderness or conflict…”
Read Varsity’s review here
4 Stars – Varsity – 2017
“Improv is all about saying yes – so if someone asks you to queue for a ticket to this sold-out show, then you should say yes as well”
Read Varsity’s review here
Read the Pre-Show interview with Phoenix Remix here